
Laparoscopic Metabolic/Bariatric (weight loss) Surgery

Laparoscopic Metabolic/Bariatric (weight loss) SurgeryBeforeLaparoscopic Metabolic/Bariatric (weight loss) Surgery In Delhi, IndiaAfter


Know that before it’s too late

  • Obesity is reason for more than 9000 deaths a year
  • Obesity does not spare any organ of body
  • Bariatric surgery is the treatment of choice for Morbid Obesity

Are you Obese?

A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20 % or more above normal weight. The most common measure of obesity is the Body Mass Index or BMI. As per NH standards any individual with a BMI >= 40 kg/m2 or BMI>=35 kg/m2 (with comorbidities ) is referred as Morbidly Obese. This parameter for the Asian and Indian Population is set at 2.5 BMI points less than above mentioned values

BMI Values for Asian Indian Population

< 18.5underweight
18.5- 23Normal Wight
23.1- 27.4Over Weight
27.5- 32.4Obese
32.5- 37.4Servere obesity or Morbid Obesity +other problems like problems like diabetes / high BP etc
>=37.5Morbid Obesity

Obesity has been proven to be a root cause of several health problems like:

  • Diabetes mellitus(Type 2)/High Cholesterol
  • Heart related diseases/ High Blood Pressure
  • Osteoarthritis/ Knee/joint problems
  • Liver disease(NASH)/ Gall bladder disease
  • Respiratory Problems/Sleep Apnoea/Asthma
  • Infertifily/ PCOS/gynaecological problems
  • Skin problems/pimples/Eczema
  • Depression / poor psycho social image
  • Venous statis/varicose veins or ulcers
  • Some type of cancers
  • Thus, clinically severe obesity or Morbid obesity severly affects the metabolism of an individual and need to be managed.

Causes of Obesity

  • Intake of calorie dense foods/ wrong food habits
  • Genetics/ family History
  • Endocrine Disorders
  • Lifestyle

Bariatric surgery /Metabolic Surgery

Bariatric Surgery is the branch of medicine that deals with the management of Morbid Obesity. This is not a treatment for individuals who are slightly overweight and neither it is cosmetic surgery.

For Severely obese persons whose normal exercise, diet and other such programme fails to achieve the desired long lasting weight loss, bariatric surgery is the new hope for life. This procedure is recommended after detailed evaluation and assessment by bariatric consultant. In fact the medical literature has enough evidence to prove that bariatric Surgery is the only way for a significant and consistent weight loss in such individuals.

Bariatric surgery encourages weight loss by restricting food intake and in some procedures altering the digestive process. This combined and healthy diet and regular exercise gives the desired weight. The surgery reinforces patient’s determination leading to long term life style changes. Bariatric and metabolic surgery program at SGRH. We offer a comprehensive management of morbid Obesity. The Program aims not only at the weight loss but also on the improvement of the metabolic profile. The department offers an impeccable blend of surgical weight loss and nutrition program. The nutritionist help the patients understand “Healthy Diet” but not dieting. They help them in choosing healthy options of eating and also understanding the diet after Bariatric Surgery. The surgical team helps the individual understand various surgical weight loss options. All these surgeries are performed laproscopically (by making small holes) by fellowship trained bariatric surgeon from centre of excellence in USA.

At SGRH hospital our aim is to achieve good health and wellness and make the entire experience a very pleasant one. The department involves the most experienced consultants from various specialties in taking care of these special patients.

Benefits of this surgery

The individual loss between 50-80% of excess body weight within 1-2 years depending on the procedure. The quality of life improves in 95% of patients and long term from obesity related conditions is reduced up to 40 %. The surgery improves the complete metabolic profile of the patient. The surgery has proven to be very effective in improving/ curing various conditions associated with these individuals:

  • Normalizing lipid and cholesterol levels
  • Curing Diabetes (type 2) 80- 85 % individuals do not need any tablet within 1 year.
  • Reducing risk for developing heart Disease.
  • Significantly reduces risk of heart disease related death.
  • Significantly improves/ resolves sleep sleep apnoea
  • Infertility, pcos, skin problems

Above all it improves the psycho-social image and brings self confidence. Bariatric Surgery has been claimed to be “life changing surgery” for morbidly obese individuals

Following type of bariatric surgery is offered by the department

Gastric Bypass– Gastric bypass is a major gastrointestinal operation that decreases the size of stomach to reduce the amount of food one can eat and rearranges the small intestine to reduce the amount of calories the body can absorb.

Sleeve Gastrrectomy– It is a surgical weight loss procedure in which the stomach is reduced to about 15 “% of its original size, by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach following the major curve.

Revisional Bariatric procedures– It is a surgical procedure that is performed on patients who have already undergone a form of bariatric surgery and have either had complications from such surgery or have not successfully achieved significant weight loss results from the initial surgery.

Facilities at SGRH

There is dedicated operating room for Bariatric surgery. These are state of art laparoscopy suites which are fitted with latest gadgets for surgery and anesthesia. These are high definition laparoscopy camera systems and monitors of international standards.

The electro-hydraulic operating tables make it very safe and easy to position the morbid obese patients during surgery. The ultra modern electrosurgical and ultrasonic scalpels are available to reduce the blood loss to minimum. The laminar flow air condition in these operating suites makes it hard for the bugs to enter thus ensuring lowest infection rates.